H A N D C R A F T E D … one stitch, knot, skill, at a time
... and you want it WHEN?
Need your stuff quick, fast, in a hurry? Missed the memo that the baby shower is next week? Forgot your better half’s birthday (Oh, my!) No worries, we’re here to help. Simply add this listing to your cart and we’ll get the lead out and pull a couple of all-nighters … just for you.
Add this listing to your cart for expedited PROCESSING of your order. For expedited shipping, please see our sister listing: UPGRADE MY SHIPPING!
H O W + I T + W O R K S
If you add “RUSH MY ORDER!” to your cart, we will stop all the presses, bump you up to the front of the line, and immediately begin preparing your order the next business day, and ship the following business day, so two days total for processing and shipping.
S A M P L E + P R O C E S S I N G + T I M E
If you place your “RUSH MY ORDER!” on Monday, we will process it on Tuesday and it will ship on Wednesday. Or, if you place your “RUSH MY ORDER!” on Friday, we will process it Monday and it will ship out Tuesday; please see E X C E P T I O N S below for details regarding multiple quantities.
H A V E + M U L T I P L E + I T E M S?
If you order more than one item, please add “RUSH MY ORDER!” with a Quantity of “2”.
E X C E P T I O N S – M U L T I P L E + Q U A N T I T I E S
Multiple quantities, such as of 15 or more MADE TO ORDER items, will have a longer processing time. If you need such a large quantity, please contact me to arrange an adequate turnaround date and how many quantities of this RUSH MY ORDER! listing will be needed to ensure your entire order is processed and shipped to meet your deadline. A CUSTOM ORDER will be created especially for you and work will commence upon purchase.
E X P E D I T E D + S H I P P I N G
For expedited shipping options, such as Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express, please see our sister listing, UPGRADE MY SHIPPING! You will contact us with the shipping name and address and your MUST-HAVE-BY DATE. We will provide an expedited shipping QUOTE and create a CUSTOM ORDER especially for you. Work will commence upon purchase.
Q U E S T I O N S?
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have or clarifications you may need, before purchasing.
T H A N K + Y O U
❤ A W E E B I T M O R E
2013-2019 © Copyright of A WEE BIT MORE. All rights reserved.
For personal use ONLY — no part of any content, description, imagery or artwork may be reproduced or sold in any form.