Happy Birthday, Tavia!!!
As this fascinating full year in a new decade starts to wind down, and we anxiously await what lies ahead, let's shout out a warm and hearty:
This is my first child, my first daughter, and my first venture into that scary world called "Motherhood." Yikes, it's like hiking Mt. Everest without a guide, no directions, and a phone with no reception. Scary, I say!!! But oh, so worth it.
As I like to do, here's a photographic family history featuring Tavia with and without her siblings, proud Momma, and her offspring, and you know I like baby pictures so buckle up.
Blast from the Past
She was in her first year when we flew to Tennessee to see Momma and Papa who'd recently moved there. Papa is my stepfather, and we'll talk more about him below. Tavia was just the cutest little baby I'd ever seen and that's 'cause she had all her fingers and toes and was just so pretty. I know, I know, all moms think that, yet she truly was ... and now we see where little Zoey gets her fabulous looks from. I even took one of her first photos with her in her bassinet under my Christmas tree: the perfect present (and when I find that image, I'll update this post). Who knew?
Freddy: Are you done, now :)
Sandi: Okay. I'm done :).
She was just so precious and the first one is always filled with jitters, fears and tears, and I just didn't wanna break her (smile).
With Fam, With Love
Tavia and her new baby sister Alex
From high school prom to the present ...
At the Prom

On the Town

Tavia and her boys
Tavia and Zoey at the Festival
and we're gonna flashback with Tavia, her sisters and I ... Momma and her girls:
Okay, I know, they're out of order, but that's what happens when you have over 19,000 photos on your phone ... I'm working on it :)
Have a fantabulous day, sweetpea.
I love you. May God bless you today
and every day ...
as you deserve it.
As is my way, I want to post this birthday wish on the date of her birth, on 12/07, at 12:07, and that's exactly what I'll do ...
... and keeping with tradition, here's a lovely haiku poem, written just for Miss Tavia:
Fiercely wild yet light
Like a feather in the wind
Strength is your virtue
a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.
a poem in English written in the form of a haiku.
Freddy nudged me that it'd be wise to share exactly what a "kaiku" is ...
One final word, we lost our Papa this month, who was my stepfather and married to Momma for over 30 years. We love you, we miss you, and hope to see you again ...
Papa, Tavia and Lil' Nita
Love You Always,
Your Momma
AWBM Blog Post #041 | 7 December 2020