Errata, Anyone?
Errata, Anyone? or, more simply put, Radda, radda, radda, radda, radda.

Let's start with: my top cartoon is The Flintstones,
and don't get it twisted.
But that's not what this post is about so read on :)
Another of my favorite cartoons is Chowder, featuring Chowder, Shnitzel, Mung and Truffles, as shown above, and I just love their names. My most favorite character; however, is Shnitzel, an employee of Mung Daai Catering who is overworked, underpaid, and for the most part, mumbles unintelligibly in every episode he appears in. Sadly, he's not in all of them, and they've cancelled the series (for shame!!!), but I, with my trusty DVD player, can watch them in perpetuity.
I mention them as (1) they bring me great joy; (2) the artwork is amazing; and (3) I smile every time I hear Chowder sing:
I believe you can cook!
You should believe 'cause I believe in youwhooo.
You just have to try and trust your gut!
That you can put food on the plaaaaate...
Cause you're the best chef in the worrrld.
And everything I learned, I learned from you.
Even if I didn't understand a worrrrrd ...
On the winnnnngs of . an . eagggggllle.
If you'd like to hear my favorite Chowder song firsthand here's a video ... ENJOY
Thanks, Camille, for posting, that short but sweet video ... it made my day.
Now, I'd like to explain why I have this reference here: I always thought Shnitzel was saying "rata, rata, rata," so Errata Anyone? stems from me hearing what I thought was an exact match to Shnitzel-speak, but it was just a similar cadence. So be it, but the fact remains: mistakes happen and errors occur no matter how much we think we've proofread completely and caught all there was to catch.
I'd like to point out that I have reviewed all of my blog posts and newsletters, to date, and spotted a few things I could edit, i.e., the dual subhead and pre-header titles (oops), the identical volume numbers and dates (gasp), and somehow I forgot to count and miscounted (oh, my) the number of blog posts I've created (oh dear). Sounds like someone needs a vacation, but until I can make that happen, I want to apologize. I will redirect you to my earlier blog post, that is now revised:
5-Step Crocheted Magic Circle Made Easy
and, again, I'd like to extend my deepest apologies. For anyone interested in seeing what marvelous changes I made to that splendiferous masterpiece, please, feel free to sign up for my newsletter today and be one of the first readers to gain access to all the freebies, tips and tuts I can muster on a weekly, biweekly, several-times-a-month basis.
I'm still working on it, people :)
and, again, I'd like to extend my deepest apologies. For any readers interested in seeing what marvelous changes I made to that splendiferous masterpiece, please, feel free to sign up for my newsletter today and be one of the first readers to gain access to all the freebies, tips and tuts I can muster on a weekly, biweekly, several-times-a-month basis.
My loyal readers can attest that I like to keep some of my strikethroughs sprinkled throughout my prose, just to give you a glimpse of what I thought to write and changed my mind, or to keep my words in my own mind for future posts, or what I was gonna write but Freddy got a bit creative and wanted to add his 2 cents … he does that a lot … kinda reminds me of Shnitzel sometimes ... rata, rata, rata ...
Anyhoo. I think it does a body good to see the process just as much as it does the finished, polished, and oh-so-shiny final product.
If you agree, let us know. Come chat with us and tell us what you think.
As for the other errors and typos, I think I'll leave them in for now (1) because I must go catch my train home now, (2) I have an ice-cold, red soda water (read: Fanta Strawberry soda) waiting for me in the fridge, and (3) I think it adds character and helps me calm my OCD. I mean, I know they're there, right, those mistakes, eyeing me in the dark ... so maybe one night I'll sneak in and fix 'em all ... just might do that in the coming weeks ... but hey, I'm still leaving myself an out, right?
Ta ta and enjoy your weekend, everyone.
AWBM Blog Post #12, Errata, Anyone?
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